Monday 26 March 2012

United (Inter)Nations

So here's the two main announcements:

- You may notice something sitting in the top right corner of the page that wasn't there previously. It turns out that someone other than myself reads this thing and they liked it so much they have featured me on their site, which is called InterNations. It's a sort of social/business network between expats in different cities across the world and is really rather nifty. So, InterNations folk, if you've got any questions about Moscow life, I am more than happy to answer. Heck, I'll even take requests for topics.

- I mentioned in the previous post that I have been hosting dinner parties - the origins of which goes all the way back to, of all things, my trip to Buenos Aires...

...which we'll cover tomorrow soon!

Also, Game of Thrones trailer - because it's shot in Northern Ireland.

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